Friday, December 28, 2018

I want to do this now... but... you know....

Merry Playboy Christmas.  Too bad Playboy magazine got lame and cut out the nudes.

Sunday, December 23, 2018

I did not draw this, but it is lovely! I only hope I can get this good!

Friday, December 21, 2018

Thursday, December 20, 2018

This is maybe my faforite cartoon GIF ever.  Anyone know where it's from? I need to see the rest.
What a hot little scene. Can this be every day? This was one of the last things I published to tumblr before the great purge. Funny how having your erotic fixations and passions thrusted into the shadows makes you even more fixated on acting them out.
In this, a horny woman gets fucked by her priest. Now that’s what I call exercising the demons!! 

Pardon my spelling and pardon the poor quality of this broken gif.  I’m doing this post on my iPhone and Apple doesn’t allow the blogger app in the App Store. What a joke.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

"It's good."

Here is a little fantasy letter written to my tigress and posted on tumblr just weeks before the purge.

Here is a lovely GIF I created from some media I found online. It has the Round Tiger stamp of approval.  I like the lift of a skirt... No excuse not to do it.

Tumblr even blocked some images like THIS, and deleted them from their site on December 17.  Now, I know this image is very suggestive, and that is a sexy bit of cleavage you can see, but seriously?  A girl could wear this out, (and I wish she would), without any problem.  Why would this be removed from a blog based sight? Seriously tumblr?

I didn't take the picture or make the dress, but it was just an image that, well, appealed to me.
Here is some original artwork created by yours truly, the Round Tiger.  It was made for my Round Tigress so she would see exactly what HOT means to me.  This drawing was first posted to tumblr a year ago. The reproduction is lower quality than it should be. I may re-upload it later as time permits.
I wish I had made this, but I did not. It is a take on the Sonic Youth album cover, "Goo" and it features the kids from the netflix show, "The End of the Fucking World".  The artwork isn't credited, but it says "" at the bottom.  You can use this to likely find the artist.  Great band, great album and great show.

This beautiful erotic drawing of a nice young redhead was the first post I made on my erotic Tumblr blog, also called the Round Tiger.  It is not my drawing.
